Dieting is much easier if you learn to control hunger throughout the day. A popular way many dieters suppress their appetite is to drink protein shakes as a substitute meal. Even many bodybuilders find protein shakes helpful to get all the protein they need every day.
There are many types and brands of protein shakes such as Herbalife products that are used in the La Bamba diet. Protein shakes allow you to eat - or drink - two meals a day, which are high in both nutrition and protein. The more protein you eat, the more fat your body burns.
How protein shakes work
Adding more protein to your meals or using protein shakes to deliver the protein you need can help your body burn fat while building muscle. It also preserves your body's lean muscle mass. Protein also helps the body to produce nucleic acids, cellular messengers, hormones, enzymes and components of the immune system.
Unfortunately, eating protein in the form of meat can be difficult for your digestive system. Protein shakes come in liquid form so they are easily digestible. It takes only about 30 minutes for the protein from the shakes to reach the muscle after ingestion, where solid nutritional proteins may take an hour or more.
Many bodybuilders drink a protein shake immediately after training to heal and strengthen their muscles. It's a good idea to eat high-protein foods for breakfast to get your metabolism going. Then add protein or protein shakes to your diet throughout the day to help your body burn calories.
Drinking protein shakes for weight loss
Protein shakes in diets are usually meant to replace meals or snacks every day. For example, with La Bamba Herbalife three-day diets, you would drink a shake, drink protein powder, drink herbal tea and a drink mix and drink herbal aloe drink concentrate for three days.
However, with the Herbalife Shapeworks Diet, you will be drinking high-protein shakes, eating healthy snacks, and taking herbal supplements to lose weight or maintain your weight over a long period of time. Diets like these are often customized to meet your dietary needs and the protein requirements of your body.
No matter what type of diet you choose, protein should be a key ingredient because it's so important to burn calories, and it helps you keep that "full" feeling much longer. Use protein shakes to make sure your body gets the protein it needs, and watch those unwanted pounds melt!
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